지금 전세계는 팬데믹과 자연재해, 전쟁으로 인한 지출과 비용을 절약하고, 불필요한 변호사 선임비용, 교통비를 절감하고 그로인하여 부가적으로 발생할수 있는 시간, 에너지와 자금낭비, 국고와 세금낭비를 방지하기 위하여 "온라인 법정제도 시스템"을 테스트하고 있읍니다.
이것도 다 나와 나의 자녀로 인해 전세계를 하나의 단일통합정부로 인수합병하고 통합하기 위하여 두 국가간의, 행정부와 법무부 외교부등이 어떤식으로 서로 협업하고 공조하고 있으며, 저의 자녀들의 양육권과 친권, 재산 유산상속 문제, 국적관련 문제 그리고 가족내에서 미래에 일어날수 있는 경조사로 인해서, 현재 어떻게 어떤식으로 일이 진행되고 있는지를 증거를 남기게되면 이글을 읽게되는 분들도 온라인법정의 온라인 배심원단의 역할을 해주실수 있기 때문이며, 증인으로서의 역할을 해주실수 있기 때문에 현재 저의 주변에서 일어나고 있는 모든일들을 증거로 블로그에 일일히 기록하고자 합니다.
Request of Compensation
To Adam Tedeborg Hilbom
2022 August 22
Diarienummer: 5000-K413721-21
You Jin Oh
I hereby representing for myself to request Compensation for the mental distress of Defamation and harassment, occasional panic attack, emotional up and downs, severe headache combined with other body symptoms by stress, tensions that my ex-husband Marcus Eklöv and his attorney Adam Tedeborg Hilbom and whole family Eklöv had caused during my children’s custody trial.
I urge you to reach an amicable settlement as soon as possible, as I will proceed with court proceedings if you do not perform any voluntary action.
Grounders and Situation
I handed in the Noticement to Gävle Police in May, 2021 to put the charge of Defamation and Harrassment over my ex-husband Marcus Eklöv and his attorney Adam Tedeborg. Because they kept accusing me for I am suffering for some kind mental disorder on purpose without any evidence of trying to win over the custody of my childrens Rebecca and Aiden which was typical accusation of one part of parents usually try to defame the other parti during Custody Trial.
I handed over Noticement to Gävle District Court to complain about their misbehavior misconduct as law enforcement agency once, but my ex-husband attorney Adam Tedeborg sent exactly same document of accusation again.
So I had to send Noticement to Gävle Police to put the charge against Adam Tedeborg Hilbom in April, 2021 and I received the Noticement from Gävle Police that the case is registered and under investigation.
As I mentioned it also under,
Defamation and is a type of the Crime that falls under the category of Defamation.
Defamation is regulated in Chapter 5, Section 1 of the Criminal Code.
And it is not only his attorney had been doing so far, but also his whole family and relatives include his personal network(acquaintances)were joined in harassing. While we were waiting for the Insurance Compensation Settlement to be fixed in 2018, that was before we were divorcing each other, his father Christer Eklöv came in uninvited to my house, and I asked him to go out but he used violence and pushed me on the couch in front of my children. And my son had to watch everything what Christer were doing and my son Aiden even recommended to call the Police to me.
And also when it was my turn to take care of Aiden one day, his mother and brother came out and argue unnecessarily and we all are ended up fighting in the middle of street even though me and my ex had agreed on I am taking my son that day.
My children didn’t need to witness such a unnecessary family argument in front of them and did not need to see these traumatic events that my ex-husband's family caused so far.
It has always been my Swedish ex -husband’s family members side to cause unnecessary arguments and tensions whithin my family and me and my childrens were suffered from unnassasarily.
Me and my childrens didn’t need to go through a lot of trauma unnassasarily because we all got Human Right to live with dignity and Right to persue our own Happiness, if social security personnel just put my ex-husband to carehome and let our family meets occasionally, I could have taken better care of my childrens instead and my childrens didn’t need to suffer from trauma because they had suffered enough already.
Because Marcus had AIDS after he had a affair with one of his Thai acquaintance and Healthcare center could see it by using Sonar Doppler Radar Satellite. But Since all my ex-husband family and relatives and his helpers were all after our Insurance, inheritances, they definatly didn’t have any intention to protecting us from being contaminated by Marcus.
And it is also because of most of Swedish are invested their small savings in Avanza Private Equity Trust Fund Scam after they all heard about the rumors that my family is involved in the group insurance with Folksam. Those Marcus acquaintances( even international acquaintances from Australia when we stayed in the international Dormitory) are putting their small savings as if they betting on Gambling who is going to survive whithin family and who’s going to be heir of inheritances, Insurance, beneficiary of Avanza dividends whenever something happens one of my family members.
This "insurance protocol "- It is Swedish way of handling in social security system –“ individual monitoring systems “--
is that once family involves in Group Insurance, Swedish build different color groups of peoples who doing real-time monitoring and eavesdropping and wiretapping around that family.
Because they are the collecting evidences such a SMS, email, phone call to present to authorities in case of one of family members are involved in Court Trial. Because those third-party organizations in society trying to making money out of in handling papers over the Networks until the Insurance compensation settlement has decided.
Marcus work place Lantmateriet , Skatteverket, Försäkringskassan, police, Gavle District Court has created groups of peoples who doing eavesdropping and wiretapping around our families. They created different color's group((Marcus signed the Goup insurance with 6 Base Amount( 6 Basbelop) -->as 6 different colors groups in Olympic Flag, to decide which continental would make a profits( Provisioning) out of my and my children’s Database Value)) would follow our everyday life and collect evidence and making money out of it to present evidence to authorities in case of something happens among families( both Korean families Vs Swedish families) such as divorcement, custody trial, retirement etc to decide who inherite who's asset, pension, inheritances within family.
Then my ex- husband acquaintance all were after our Korean family's Insurance money, inheritance and pension in case of something happens inside my Korean family.
They are all criminals who doing eavesdropping and wiretapping around my home both in Yangsan-si and Gävle. My ex -husband’s nephew Fredrik and Victor used to hacking on our TV camera by hijacking wifi or internet connection and eavesdropping us And someone like a Petra Eklöv who works in a Hair Salong gathers people's hair, nails (because it contains DNA) to Pharmaceutical companies to make a money. That's why those peoples who collect and buy peoples hair used to follow in us to hair salong and sitting and waited for.
Marcus’s older brother Mats & Petra, brought my childrens Rebecca and Aiden to their home to make a money out of selling my children’s DNA Biometrisk Database & Biochemist Database, because it's somewhat valuable for the IT industries to register each people's BIOMETRISK database digitally in Swedish Central Integration Control System.
Your organization has to realize that Marcus Eklöv family and his attorney, trustee are all fooling peoples for making money of doing Depopulation. Most of Gavleboarna got fooled by save money in Avanza Trust Fund Scam without knowing that those who saved their savings in Avanza are just waiting for their turn to be eliminated depends on each person's Value of Existence.
As family Eklöv and his acquaintances are spreading all rumors about us that we are one of the Big Data of Big Data and our database is somewhat valuable among IT industries, illegal data brokers, they keep coming and connecting me with any kind Communication Signals and keep moving in and out around my home with data collecting equipment, keep threatening our safety, it’s been awful and stressful that I cannot even enjoy my everyday life.
They must have done some hidden contract or deals between two countrie’s authorities to hinder my childrens to be registered in South Korea’s Extract of Population. All Swedish authorities stole all my assets and even tax returns money (Tax Evasion)and did forgery and felony to steal everything away from me for the purpose of give disadvantages in winning my children's custody trial. Because my childrens Database are also valuable for Data Collectors and brokers Swedish Government and authorities are desperate to make a every excuses of forcing my childrens to stay within Sweden.
It’s all because peoples who has become working AI is the biggest human asset of that country and their valuble Data is the biggest resource in the era of AI. The Swedish government and Korean authorities force my children to stay in Sweden, and in the meantime, make a hidden contract such as using my childrens for human experiments (relatives of my ex-husband who work at a research institute and neuroscience researchers at Uppsala University are working on delveloping various vaccines and Telemedicine systems using my childrens Biometrisk & Biochemist Database).
It seems that he handed over unverified reagents to the FDA to develop a medicine and signed a hidden contract to use my childrens for drug development and obtain profits in Avanza Private Equity Trust Fund), and forced my childrens to live with my gestapo ex-husband's family and relatives. That's why Swedish authorities(Gävle District Court, Nedre Norrland Supreme Court)are desperately trying to make every excuse for my ex to winning over Custody despite his disability and even though he cannot even taking care of himself.
I have attached Noticement that I handed in to Gävle District Court and Gävle Police under.
Let me hear as soon as possible
You Jin
To Gävle District Court
2021 April 05
You Jin Oh
I hereby representing myself to appeal to Gavel District Court about Noticement that Marcus Eklöv and Marcus's attorney Adam Tedeborg has handed in to Gävle District Court.
Grounders and Situation
Since my ex Marcus Eklöv became involved with the Insurance company Folksam, Trygghanza, Förenad Liv, he had a Trustee and Attorney that helping him around taking care of his assets and his rights because he himself didn’t have any abilities to do so. But then his attorney and Trustee handed over their authority to take care of Marcus and my assets to Avanza Trust Fund and kept tried to make me look incompetent intentionally so that those Third-party could make a profit out of collecting and selling our Biometrisk Datas. This is Avanza Private Equity Scam that my ex's personal network and his acquaintance had created with help of Swedish Authorities. Instead of paying all Sum of Compensation Settlement, they wanted to pay every month little by little until the family lives. Which means that all family members has to live under constant threat all our lives by those Data Collectors & Data Brokers hired by authorities officially, and by those who trying to making money of collecting others personal datas by illegaly and doing Eavesdropping and Wiretapping.
They are just out there waiting on the some opportunity to do something harmful on us just because my ex had Group Insurance and he also signed Life Insurance for me at his work Lantmäteriet, he never informed me that I found out later on. It is clearly husband’s duty to inform what kind of insurance he signed for all family, he definitely had intentions not to do so. It should be considered to be CRIME.
When I had to go to Korean Ambassy in Stockholm to renew my Korean Passport I received the SD Singular Diplomat Passport in 2007 to 2010.. It goes without saying that Gävle’s local authorities knew about it that they had to provide every services such as residence, allowance and transportation for smoother Diplomat Activities for the good relationships between South Korea and Sweden.
Instead of they supposed to provide everything to me, when me and my ex are going to the Divorce and Custody dispute, his attorney Adam Tedeborg even accused me for obedient mental illness without any special evidence in Gävle District Court.
This is the typical type of accusation usually one part of the parents try to defame the other parti to win over the custody of the children, but Marcus and his attorney had been hold on doing so.
It is a Defamation and is a type of the Crime that falls under the category of Defamation.
Defamation is regulated in Chapter 5, Section 1 of the Criminal Code.
The law states that anyone who designates someone as criminal or reprehensible in their way of life or otherwise provides information that is likely to expose them to someone else’s disregard of shall be sentenced to libel. In order to be considered responsible for defamation, It is therefore required that information has been provided, which refers to a certain person and that the information is suitable for subjecting him to contempt.
The Penalty for libel is a fine or, if deemed serious fine or imprisonment for a Maximum of two years.
It is not only his attorney had been doing so far, but also his whole family and relatives include his personal network was joined in harassing. While we were waiting for the Insurance Compensation Settlement to be fixed, that was before we were divorcing each other, his father came in uninvited to my house, I asked him to go out but he used violence and pushed me on the couch in front of my children.
When it was my turn to take care of Aiden one day, his mother and brother came out and argue unnecessarily and we all are ended up fighting in the middle of street even though me and my ex had agreed on I am taking my son that day. My children didn’t need to witness such a unnecessary family argument in front of them and did not need to see these traumatic events that my ex's family caused so far.
I was the only Korean and did not have many personal acquaintance of my own in Gävle, my ex’s family and his helpers try to isolate me completely and prevented me and my children to seeing each other on purpose.
I want to report this as a serious CRIME for defamation and for the intention of doing any harm in others reputation and to provoke to contempt in others.
You Jin Oh
To Gävle District Court
19th May 2021
You Jin Oh
I hereby representing for myself to appeal against the judgements of the Gävle District Court
I appeal against sentence to the Marcus's application for sole custody over my childrens Rebecca and Aiden and request a reconsideration of the Natural Sole Custody as a mother
And I already explained why I am holding Diplomat Passport of South Korea and asked for immediate Protection for my childrens from those Cyber criminals who working together with my ex’s Gestapo family and I haven’t received any Final Verdict from the Gävle District Court. I request your organization to cooperate and act adequately as an enforcement agency to enforce the law.
Grounders and Situation
I made a my Report to warn your country from those Cyber Terrorists from all over the world who moved into Gävle as it is my job as a Promotion Diplomat to keep both country’s in alert from Cyber criminals and for the Improved diplomacy relationships Because what’s going on around family Eklöv is a serious threat to every country’s Cyber Security that your organization must realize.
As I reported before my childrens are being missused as human maruta by my ex Swedish husband's family and relatives who working closely together with Researchers in Uppsala University in Brain Psychology, Rehabilitating’s Medicine, Neuro Science to develop all kind of Vaccine against Corona, AIDS, other disease, and possible Telemedicine, Biochemist & Biometrisk weapons and even to develop Super Soldier by Swedish government I send Police Report to Gävle Police Station to put the charges to all my ex Marcus Eklöv’s family and relatives and his trustee Per Arthur Johnson and his attorney Adam Tedeborg because it is clearly considered to be the serious CRIME, Defamation (Förtal, Ärekränkning) against Promotion Diplomat Holder of South Korea. Here what I wrote to Police Report below.
I would like to report and bring charges against Marcus Eklöv and his attorney Adam Tedeborg and his whole family Christer Eklöv and Rosita Eklöv, Mats Eklöv, Petra Eklöv, Mikael Eklöv, Fredrick Eklöv, Viktor Eklöv for Child molesters and pedophiles using my childrens as Human Maruta (som försökskanin) with his helpers to collect and selling my children's Biometrisk & Biochemist database for Researchers in Pharmaceutical Companies and try to develop some Vaccine against Corona, AIDS and possible Telemedicines using eavesdropping & wiretapping methods to win Novel Prize and to win Rewarding money in Activate Project of EU in fund raised Project. They all saved their savings in Avanza Private Equity to make a living out of their whole lives and spread false information to others to join Avanza Private Equity Scam too. And his trustee Per Arthur Jonsson (före detta Försäkringskassans chefen) and Marcus aunt Marita Österblom who works in Försäkringskassan, all his acquaintances groups for creating Avanza Private Equity TrustAll Fund Scam with Insurance Companies for deceiving many others who invested their savings in Avanza Trust Fund as a part of Depopulation Project. Marcus trustee and his attorney handed over their authorities in managing his assets and even mine in Avanza Trust Fund and tried to make a benefit out of it . That's why they were all desperate to make me look like a incompetent. Even though I had a Diplomat Passport from South Korea. Those who lost their jobs in local industry by Pandemic were all after my free benefits as Diplomat Passport Holder. Those who got fooled of this Avanza Scam by insurance companies, Financial companies were providing their personal Database for industry (investors which joined in Avanza Internet Bank) and received monthly Dividends to make a living out of all their lives but without knowing that it is actually it is Financials companies and insurance companies scam for making them to wait on their turn to be depopulated depends on each person's Value of their Existence.
It looks like a my family is simply involved in negotiating in insurance compensation settlement money with insurance companies in Sweden since 2016 and also involved in Custody Trial of my childrens on the surface but it definitely is NOT.
Me and my childrens are surrounded and remotedly controlled by those Cyber terrorists from all over the world, keep threatening about our safety using Sonar Doppler Radar Satellite.
And as you know there are Cyber Warfare & Information Warfare & Germs and Biochemist Warfare going on all over the world right now I have noticed that the whole Gävle City has become one massive SIM CITY and citizens in Gävle has become their Playground for making Laboratory Rat (Human Maruta) to conduct and testing on Mass Public Manipulation and misleading them by using Psycho Weapons.
It all happened since my Swedish ex who was working in Lantmateriet (Customers Service Department in Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority which are government organization in printing out maps and their customers are mostly are the Swedish Defense forces) involved in insurance and then his attorney, trustee were negotiating insurance Compensation Settlement with his Insurance Company Folksam, Trygghanza and Förenad liv in Gävle since October 2016. My Swedish ex had signed Group Insurance (Union) for all family and had life insurance for me but he had never told me about that. I found out later while he was in hospital.
While he was in Uppsala University Hospital, one of researcher Chalotta Von Seth in Brain Psychology, Rehabilitating’s Medicine and Neuro Science (one of Samsung's subsidiary) in and asked me to sign in the Research Papers for agreeing to follow his brain development in the progress. I refused to sigh it but then his family must have done that.
Whilest me and my childrens are supposed to be well hidden from being exposed by any kind of Publicity as a family of Promotion Diplomat especially while my family were involved in Law suits in 2016, Swedish Government and Public Authorities deliberately breached the all Laws and Regulations despite GDPR's (General Data Protection Regulations) "Protection of Personal Informations and Communication Network Utilization" and totally failed to protect us from those Cyber Criminals and International Human Traffickers who kept moved into Gävle searching for our Biometrisk & Biochemist data and also after our lives for Group insurance money.
Even though it is clearly husband’s duty to inform the family that what kind of Security he has signed for the all family in case, he obviously didn't have any intention to do so. It should be considered to be CRIME that my ex and his Work Place Lantmäteriet clearly had a intention why he signed Group Insurance.
And Personal Protection Request with polis station in Gävle, Sweden in 11th August 2020 , they refused to provide any kind of shelter or any kind of protection for me and my childrens even though we were under the constant threat by those cyber criminals using all kind of communication signals and devices trying to eavesdropping and wiretapping and doing Electronic Harrassment.
Gävle Policeman said that he cannot help me out or provide any kind of protection so I had to seek help by myself. So I took the train the next day and went to South Korea Ambassy in Stockholm. I managed to get Singular Diplomat Passport and managed to escape from Sweden in August 15th of 2020 in Independence Day of south Korea .
By the way when I renewed my Passport in South Korean Embassy in Stockholm in year 2007 - 2010 and I also received Singular Diplomat Passport at that time without knowing why. I found out later.
Since I am registered as one of the National Human Treasures in South Korea and secured by Samsung Security as a one of biggest Human Asset, I was sent to Sweden to carry out some specific tasks as Practical Promotion Diplomat myself.
I am supposed to be making use of Formatting Central infrastructure Monitoring Control System, Enterprise Management System, and for making Automated & Unmanned Systems Manner for all industries by using my Database.
So Samsung, Varizon and Ericsson excersized 'The Call Option' to generate some meaningful value( Cryptocurrency) of me and my childrens in Stock Market and Shareholders around the world in Bio & Artificiall Intelligence Business (Samsung Bio, Bioepis, Biologics etc) while I stayed in Sweden.
Now when I come to think of it I think that those who working in the public authorities in Gävle knew about that I am Practical Promotion Diplomat myself and send to Sweden to carry out some Specific Tasks but then those who knew about my secrets must have created some Digital Kartell, Collusion to collude each other between all civilians, public sector, authorities, organizations, government and military to steal all my free Benefits Privilege as Practical Promotion Diplomat to revitalize the local industry instead, because there were high percentage of unemployment in Gävle at that time by Pandemic.
Since i was the only Korean in Gavle I was totally isolated inside Gävle by international data brokers, International Human Traffickers who moved into Gävle constantly and Gävle authorities and politicians must have made a hidden deal with other immigrants groups of cyber criminals around me since I was the biggest human asset of the South Korea.
They all knew by the rumors that I am registered as one of the National Human Treasure and secured by Samsung Security, they were all came into Gävle and simply waited on some opportunities to do something harmful on me just for the insurance money, inheritances.
Especially those who came from EU underdeveloped and poor countrie's refugees were kept moved into Gävle after I moved in Gävle since 2001. The Gävle local authorities knew that why those immigrants refugees from underdeveloped countries kept moved into Gävle, so they closed down the Migration center in Gävle to prevent those potential cyber terrorists from Middle east and Africa kept moving into Gävle and moved them to other city rather than Gävle. Because they were just around us and simply waiting for some opportunity to cause something as it is the Cyber Warfare, Big Data Warfare and Germs & Biochemist Warfare were going on around the world long time ago.
.Just because most of Swedish and Swedish industries, hospitals, health care center etc those investors who invested their savings in Avanza Private Equity Trust Fund and hedge fund relying on making a profit out of me and my children's Database and collect, broadcast and resell to overseas they are desperate to force my childrens stay within Sweden.
All the incidents such as Gävle District Court's custody trials, my ex's accusing Noticement that his attorney handed in to District Court unnecessarily and my ex's Sole custody argumentation (even though it is common sense and it is the mother nature that when the pair get divorced it usually Mother who gets custody of childrens and get the Joint of custody, my ex and his sources just trying to make every excuses of everything for my ex to win over the custody. It just totally nonsense to me that Swedish authorities trying to give the sole custody of my childrens to my ex just because of my ex is Swedish, and even though it is obvious that all other Swedish are just trying to Free Riding in Free Trade Agreement between contract The South Korea and EU, and trying to make a living of all their lives by putting their small savings( like a Gambling in who’s side family would be eliminated one by one alongside with developing every possible methods eg, Application, Programs, Protocols etc using every possible Newest technologies & Communication Signals such as Neurallink, Telepathy Communications by collecting our Database) Avanza Private Equity Trust Fund by using our Database because we are the Big data of Big data and it's Big Data Warfare going on all over the world) and about my childrens custody dispute is all about the Gävle authorities and my ex's family side trying to drag unnecessary times to conquer me and my childrens by collecting our database to take a control over us, and trying to intercept in everything what me and my childrens doing to keep us under swedish authorities control, so Swedish authorities always going to be in the middle of (being a bridge) handling things and documents and trying to butt in in every affairs not only what's happening inside my family but also in South Korea’s Political and Financial affairs just because I am registered as The National Human Treasures and big data of big data.
Thus I am being used to make a One Collaboration World in Digitalization all over the world, Sweden doesn't cooperate in this to make One Collaboration World Project. So all world can go for the Next Generation's Digitalization World, 21Century Millennium.
I don't see any point why Swedish government has to be in the middle of this project to make a whole world as One Collaboration World just by dragging times unnassasarily.
(De som har lagt sina pengar hos Avanza Trust Fund försöker försölja sig av vad jag och mina barna tjänar varje dag. Och det är olagligt om man försöker tjänar pengar av användning av barnarbete och det är brott mot UN’s Barnkonvention)
Those cyber criminals of different nationality in Gävle who doing eavesdropping and wiretapping to make a living, stole all my Credit card information, Biochemist & Biometrisk datas for hacking on me to hack different other Organizations and Industries that I was connected with, because they all knew that I suppose to being make use of making all world to Digitalization World, 21 Century Millennium by making all Industrie’s manufacturing systems to be Unmanned & Automation Systems Manner.
Even though my Biometrisk datas such as Irish and fingerprints, DNA datas are the most important in the World Cyber Security, those Cyber Criminals from all over the world kept trying to do a human hacking and brain hacking on me.
Many black hackers and cyber terrorists all over the world who managed to steal all my credit information, Biometrisk & Biochemist information did a felony to steal all my Cyber Money that had generated right after the Samsung excersized The Call Option to create some meaningful Values in Stock Market and Shareholders, after they found out my Value of Datas are UNLIMITED.
And those who working for the IT industry knew if someone got their value of data measured to be unlimited, they will also receive internet mobile data network as UNLIMITED and Credit Card is also UNLIMITED.
Then the Gävle kommun and politicians and Public sector etc. who found out about my unlimited data value that created virtually as Cyber Money after Samsung's 'Call Option', they all stole my Credit card information and bought in Construction materials to build houses in Gävle and bought in School materials, Security Packages for Academics, renovate buildings and gave away as Benefitials (as Avanza Private Equity), Contribution to revitalize the Local economy. And some of cyber terrorists who works together with corrupted Gävle Politicians and CEO of industries all joined this Swedbank Money Landry did other Money Landry all over the world. Swedbank Money Landry Scandal is the similar incidents as this kind of Power Gate incidents that happened in South Korea, Lime and Optimus Asset Management Power Gate incident in 2016. I am sure Swedish authorities did a exact Copycat of this Choi Soon-Sil Power Gate incident in Gävle.
As I am a Public Official who is dispatched to work abroad under the direction of the Korean Government. I perform various tasks, in exchange of that the dispatched country and the South Korea can maintain the good relationships, to protect the Korean people travel to that country, and to inform the country of Korea.
Since for those holding Diplomat carrying such a heavy responsibilities and are the faces of the country the Korea Government gives them some special powers to ensure the smooth Diplomatic Activities, they suppose to receive an official residence or suppose to receive support for monthly rent to a Practical Promotion Diplomat. They supposed to receive support for moving cost (transportation cost) incurred while traveling abroad, benefits of tax-free in country they working and business flight ticket.
As you know Practical Promotion Diplomat Passport holders are send to overseas for the purpose of conducting National Diplomacy and being protected the personal information of the holder.
As I supposed to being make use of doing a setting and coding for all kind of Applications, Programs, Protocols and Platforms and being used for set up every industry's manufacturing system to be Unmanned & Automation Systems Manner(so called Digitalization*, Millennium) by every country I reside, I was supposed to receive all Free Residence, Allowance and Free Transportation etc. all services from that country I reside.
The Diplomat Immunity Privileges cannot be touched by the public power of the country. Diplomat Passport holders of Diplomats can receive visa free benefits, even if there are differences between countries. They can also receive legal immunity from abroad, including minor crimes.
Thus I suppose to receive all these Diplomatic Privileges as an exchange of using me as a doing Mergers & Acquisition (for making Collaboration One World) among industry whilest I was there in Gävle, the Local Authorities haven't provide anything though.
Instead Gävle Authorities and Public Sectors, Organizations, Industry, Researchers, Civilians all gathered together and cooperated (Digital Kartell, Collusion) to steal all my Free Diplomatic Benefits to revitalize the local economy by create their own Start-up Business Model and Venture Business of Sweden by collecting my database and doing copycat of Samsung.
It is like a Swedish tried to fetch Samsung's technologies and created Paper companies (Copycat of Samsung), Venture business to be one of IT Leading Country instead of South Korea and wanted to Colonize Koreans by doing so.
That's why Swedish authorities even created this Activeage Open Call & Autopilot Project Scam* throughout European Union.
Unlikely South Korea president announced the Saejong City and Busan in Smart Grid Platform as test city officially out in the media and practiced Mock hacking by gathering white hackers and black hackers and held a open competition each other to see what kind of potential Security problems might can occur in 2018, the Nordic Countries were gathered each other to held a hidden project of their own to colonize South Korea and Korean Citizens.
Nordic countries disguised it as a one of research project to measure the everyday noises and air pollution and hazardous radiation in everyday environment but it was NOT. They must have simply waited for the moment for the South Korea going for a 5G testing before commercializing it for the first time in the world to talking over South Korea by joining in mock hacking on organizations, public sectors.
And I was the only Korean isolated in Gävle and the Local authorities of Gävle knew that I was the Practical Promotion Diplomat that the South Korea Government sent to Sweden to develop myself as one of human but robotized Artificial Intelligence to perform some specific Tasks. (Because The Uppsala University researchers in Neuro scientists were one of Samsung's subsidiary)
The Swedish authorities and the Nordic countries must have waiting on that moment the South Korea has announced to deploy 5G mobile networks before commercializing it, then joined in this mock hacking to hacking on South Korea's public sectors and on me at the same time. The Gavle Police, local authorities must have known about my secrets and started this cyber hacking on me and that's why I received every kind communication signals and frequencies from all over the world since 2016. They must have known that I was being registered as one of National Human Treasures and Biggest Human Asset of Korea Government since i was sent to renew my passport to South Korea Ambassy in Stockholm once in 2020 and received SD (Singular Diplomat) Passport.
Then the Nordic countries created this Activeage Open Call Project* Scam to taking control over me and my childrens by remotely controlling us because we are the South Korea's Biggest Human Asset and they wanted to hinder the South Korea to be one of IT Leading Country since I am the Big data of big data and one of biggest Human asset of South Korea Government.
I contacted Avanza Internet Bank to receive every month's Dividends my ex had saved until divorcement every month and asked to do a transaction to my Swedbank but they said that I had no Savings in my account. His Trustee and Attorney did cheating and failed in giving me the right information.
My rights and my childrens Basic Human Rights to peruse our own happiness, to live with privacy and dignity as a Human Being was totally neglected and discriminated just because me and my ex got different nationality and it is against the law of the Convention on the rights of the Child and Human Rights Violation.
While me and my childrens got every right for enjoy our own lives and doesn’t need to being disturbed by all his surroundings, all organizations involved in this case totally failed to protect me and my childrens and providing shelters when I was seeking Personal Protection Request in Gävle
Police station from those illegal data collectors and cyber criminals all over the world.
It is totally absence of Swedish Public Authorities and Financial Companies and Gävle Kommun in handling of this Trial Case.
I have sent Notifications to Gävle District Court before and informed about that the fact about I am the Practical Promotion Diplomat and explained the reasons why I am holding this Diplomat Passport and still waiting for the Final Judgment.
I have contacted Public Authorities Skatteverket (Tax Agency), Arbetsförmedlingen (The Employment Agency), Försäkringskassan (The Insurance Agency) about the Unemployment Fund benefitial I supposed to receive but hasn't heard of their decision from any of these organizations yet. And I contacted Kronofogden to request to send all my belongings to address in South Korea but they asked me to contact my ex and ex's attorney. So I did but they never replied about my request. I also supposed to receive the Tax return money for 3945kr but I only received 380kr in my Swedbank Account, so I sent the request explanation about it but he hasn't heard about it yet. Swedish authorities and financial companies all dida collusion, did a felony, tax evasion to steal everything away from me then Swedish government must realized that it caused a lot of losses in Assets of South Korea Government.
And I couldn't withdraw the cash from ATM machine with my Swedbank Master Devit Card after I moved back to South Korea.
It is totally absence of all Public Sector and Authorities in how handling documents and in communication each other and providing better administrative services. It causing a lot of problems and misunderstandings in between South Korea and Swedish governments in diplomatic relationships.
I am attaching this Report files that I have sent to other organizations, Pentagon, NSA, FBI, CISA, Justice Ombudsman, South Korea Ambassy in Stockholm to report this serious CRIME the Swedish authorities had committed so far against South Korea’s Promotion Diplomat and to The South Korea’s Biggest human asset.
I request Swedish government and authorities proper explanations about all these problems being caused unnecessarily.
I request your organizations to provide every convenience for my childrens as a child of the Practical Promotion Diplomat and seek Personal Protection in South Korea Ambassy in Stockholm to obtain Diplomat Passport immediately from Cyber criminals and illegal human traffickers around my childrens and if your Organization and Swedish authorities failed to do so, I have remind that your country must face the consequences and has to pay for the loss in case. And your organization has to send out order Noticement to pack my all belongings to my address in South Korea free charged as all moving cost has to pay by the country I resided.
Hopefully to hear from your organization as soon as possible.
You Jin Oh
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