스웨덴 세금청에 공문서위조 범법행위를 고발한 내용
-Affiliation and name of the respondent: Swedish Tax Office : Senad Buro (Section Chief) who was the former boss of my swedish ex-husband Marcus Eklöv in Lantmäteriet.
*** I file a complaint with the Swedish Tax Office for not indicating the South Korean nationality of my childrens of dual citizenship who was born with Multiple Nationalities since birth ***
My name is YOUJIN OH and I am citizen of South Korea.
In 2001, I moved to Sweden. In 2003, a daughter Rebecca and a son Aiden were born in Gävle in 2012.
I was engaged to my Swedish ex-husband in Australia in 1998, married in Sweden in 2018, and divorced on trial in March 2020 and moved to South Korea in August 2020.
I was unable to register the birth of my childrens due to living abroad for a long time, but registered the birth of my childrens in June 2021 in South Korea.
Since the birth of Rebecca in 2003 and Aiden in 2012, the Swedish government and the Swedish Tax Office in Gävle have committed an INTERNATIONAL FELONY for NOT registering SOUTH KOREA as a dual citizen of my childrens in Sweden's demographic registration system, and has been cheating, doing forgery so far.
Since Rebecca and Aiden were born, REGARDLESS of WHETHER OR NOT their births have been registered in South Korea since THEIR MOTHER IS SOUTH KOREAN, they can have dual citizenship as a CONGENITAL DUAL CITIZENSHIP BY BIRTH.
But Swedish Tax Service INTENTIONALLY NOT REGISTERED my children as dual nationalities on their Sweden's demographic registration system.
This is a serious INTERNATIONAL FELONY committed by the Swedish Tax Service!
They should have listed my childrens South Korean nationality as a dual citizen on the National Tax Service's resident registration card (demographic registration system), but the Swedish National Tax Service has violated all these international laws and regulations.
Since my children are DUAL NATIONALITIES, the Swedish administration must have been aware of the law requiring them to choose one of their parents' nationality when they turned 23, so the Swedish authorities must have every means and methods to force my children to stay in Swedish territory. They are mobilizing all of their resources and making a false claim for coercion.
Because if my children choose Korean nationality after the age of 23, Sweden could not collect my children's database (all data collected through their five senses and intellectual ability and physical activity) and will not be able to earn data profits as the national treasury, so Sweden would go bankrupt and the Swedish industry would be all-stop. And as Sweden is also one of the EU countries, the EU will also go bankrupt due to national bankruptcy.
This is because 5G is currently commercialized worldwide, --> so each individual's five senses and intellectual labor transmitted to the Mast Tower-->can be saved (that is, because all activities created using hand and intellectual labor using a smartphone, which is a portable computer, image + video + music + art + sports etc of all data generated by different activities and transferred into the three digit number of 0,1,2 -->and transmitted to the Master Tower
-->stored in the Cloud and the Big Data Storage
-->The data collected in this way, based on the statistics, analysis, and utilization of this, the industry can develop Test Models such as various new product development, new function development, new applications, program, tool and protocol development (Because each Smartphone users can be used as Test Model for the development of Instant Apps or Beta versions of Applications that can be used without downloading any APK files)
-->Ultimately, Big data that is created and stored by the country's smart and talented human resources and people's Big Data becomes Big Money
--> and Big Data stored as a National Treasury of cyber money. Because we live in the age of Information & Big Data.
I urge your organization to rectify it, otherwise I will sue
이 스웨덴 정부와 스웨덴 세금청의 고의적인 공문서 위조와 인구동향정산 시스템 조작범죄를 공식적으로 고발할수 있도록 많이 읽어주시고 알려서 시민단체등에 고발을 해주시고 많이 알려주셔서 , 이 일을 공식기사화 시켜줄수 있도록 부탁드립니다!!
현재 양국의 외교부, 법무부, 행정부측이 고용한 불법도감청사 위주의 집단조직범죄좌들이 공모하여 이러한 한국에 가야할 국고 데이터수익을 스웨덴측 행정부와 공모한 불법도감청사 위주의 집단범죄 조직자들 그룹은 저의 자녀가 태어난 이후인 2003년도부터 수십년간 공조한 그룹끼리 자기네 주머니에 닦아쳐넣고( 매일의 데이터수익을 일인당 얼마씩 받기로 하고 삼성의 전세계 위탁업체, 수탁업체와 협력회사로부터 매달 분식회계로 얼마간의 배당금 혜택, 상품권 혜택등으로 받기로 하고선 서로서로 눈감아 주기로 공모를 하였기에), 양산시 주위에 ISP관리자와, 양산시 행정부 직원들, 지역구글 가이드, 모바일 네트워크 회사들과 공조한 불법도감청사 범죄자 집단을 깔아놓고선, 이 범죄를 어떻게든지 숨기고 무마하려는 시도를 하고 있으며, 모든 자금줄을 차단하여 전화비, 교통비조차 못내게 하고 이웃주위의 불법도감청사 그룹을 깔아서
저의 개인행적을 모두 트래킹하고 있어서 그 어느 외부인 또는 공공기관, 미디어쪽과도 연락을 못하도록 하고있는 관계로
부득이하게 저의 이메일(아마 이메일도 검열을 하고 있겠지만)로 연락주시길 부탁드립니다.
기꺼이 만나서 인터뷰를 할 용의가 있으며 저는 이 일을 어떻게하던지 알려서 한국국민으로서의 권리와 스웨덴에 고립되어 있는 저의 자녀들을 구하고자 합니다!
⚠️범죄자들은 밀레니움에 선택될 권리를 빼앗기는 자들로서, 싱귤레리티가 와서 디지털화된 매트릭스월드로 현실이 가상현실로 지구가 재탄생될때에 이들 범죄자들은 고스트인쉘 영화의 "고스트"들처럼 깨어진 픽셀화되어 사라질 사람들로 선택된자들로서,
현재 전세계는 온라인법정을 진행하면서 디지털리제이션 밀레니움에 선택된 자와 선택이 되지 않은 자들을 구분해내고 있으므로 절대로 불법을 해서는 생존불가능!!!